Interesting. I'm not very knowledgeable on this subject, but I've read a bit in the past on micro-loans, and the positive effects they can have on developing economies. Very much like this idea.
Hope life is slowing down for you guys a bit as the holidays approach!
There is a program through church called the Heifer Project. Although not aimed specifally at girls, the premise is: if you give a family a cow, water buffalo etc, then the family can provide food for themselves, expand the herd, sell off excess etc. sounds similiar, no?
Interesting. I'm not very knowledgeable on this subject, but I've read a bit in the past on micro-loans, and the positive effects they can have on developing economies. Very much like this idea.
Hope life is slowing down for you guys a bit as the holidays approach!
There is a program through church called the Heifer Project. Although not aimed specifally at girls, the premise is: if you give a family a cow, water buffalo etc, then the family can provide food for themselves, expand the herd, sell off excess etc. sounds similiar, no?
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