Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Chester and Beyond...

A few weeks ago we went to visit some old neighbours in Chester, which is just over the border from North Wales. We had a great weekend catching up, eating good meals, enjoying the Olympics and visiting the area with them.

Chester is an historical cathedral town with ties to Roman Britain. Surrounded by city walls dating back 700 years, the city centre itself is made up of beautiful tudor style buildings, some over five stories. It is unique from many English cities in that it has what they call 'The Rows', an upper and lower level of shopping.

On Sunday we took a short drive over the border into a place called Llandudno. Now you might be trying to figure out how to say that, but you will never guess how it is actually pronounced. Click here for a recording.

Llandudno is the largest coastal resort in Wales. As with most British seaside resorts, it has a promenade, pebbly beach, pier and rubbish summer weather. We let the dogs have a bit of a swim before heading up the Great Orme which is a headland overlooking the bay and town. There we had a wonderful picnic lunch with jazz band accompaniment floating up from the pier and a bit of sunshine before heading off for a bit more walking.

Taking people up and down the Great Orme are some gondolas and a tram.

On the other side also sits a quaint little church and cemetery overlooking the sea.

Phil, Julie and CW with the dogs

Thanks again to Julie and Phil for a fantastic weekend! It was great seeing you both again - and we really appreciated your wonderful hospitality!

For a few more pictures of Llandudno, click here


Anonymous said...

As always, we so enjoyed the armchair travelogue. What a fun time you all must have had!

The photos were spectacular! Some very artistic shots, Cora.

We only heard a blip for the audio pronunciation of the Welsh town. Don't think that was it?!

Mom and Dad

Cora and CW said...

Try this website instead of the one I provided, you should hear it better once you press play



Anonymous said...

Okay, we played it - it was hard to make out - sounded like: clandidno. How close is that?

Love, Mom and Dad

Cora and CW said...

Quite close, except you have to say the first bit with a bit of a h, th, and g sound if that makes sense.

It's a truly unique language.

Sharon said...

Yeah, I would not have guessed that's how you say it at all. Which is why I sort of gloss over all the Welsh place names in Conrad's Thomas books. Tra la la.

Gorgeous pictures and scenery, as usual. Do you guys ever go any place ugly?

Was Guinness excited to see his old buddy?

Cora and CW said...

Guinness and Dougie had a great time together, like old friends. They don't play as hard as he does with some of his lab friends, but they are so cute together, quite cuddly and caring of each other. Dougie will come over and gently sniff Guinness' face, paws etc and Guinness just lays there sweetly. Then if Dougie is playing, Guiness sort of towers over him wagging his tail hoping he'll drop the ball etc etc etc...