Monday, July 16, 2007

A Very British 4th of July

So, how does an American spend the Fourth of July when they live overseas? At a proper English Folk Music Festival of course! Yes, we expat Americans were deprived of our day off, fireworks and all day baseball, though we salvaged a BBQ from the rain. However, instead of hearing technicolour pyrotechnics filling the night's sky, we had bagpipes and accordians and the tinkling of Morris dancers' bells.

Morris dancing is a slightly bizarre thing even in the best of times, but when the road is cordoned off and they are milling about in droves, it becomes all the stranger I don't mind saying. Throw in some Celtic dancing and a splash of Flamenco for a latin feel and you have the St Michael's Folk Music Festival.

It was a unique thing to see without a doubt, especially seeing our peaceful little street and pubs so overcrowded with people. We had an enjoyable time as night fell talking to some of our neighbours and watching the various acts. All in all it was an interesting experience and let's face it - the British were never going to really celebrate American Independence!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a neat experience!

Glad you were able to partake in the festivities.
