Tuesday, February 20, 2007

One last Waterbeach sunrise

After nearly a year and a half in the fine Fenland village of Waterbeach we had had enough of flat expanses and long commutes and decided to return to the greater London area.

After a fairly boring winter with mornings spent on the train instead of by the river, we were lucky enough to get a crisp, frosty morning with just a hint of foggy mist hanging over the river. It was the perfect way to end our time in this quiet little corner of England.

We will certainly miss the solitude by the river, though not necessarily all the cow pats! (note that's the moon in the picture below, not the sun... the beauty of the scene didn't really transfer in the photo but you get the idea!)

Our pictures of Waterbeach have moved here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The sunrise photos are superb!
