Saturday, May 29, 2010

Water Babies

Spring is in the air, finally!

Over the last month or so, we've had the joy of seeing lots of new families make their home in the park near our house where we walk with Guinness daily.

The park is home to a number of bird species including ducks, geese, coots, swans, magpies, pigeons, seagulls, herons, ruddy ducks and moorhens as well as a number of other funny looking birds which we can't always identify.

It's so much fun watching each family appear and then grow until you can no longer differentiate them from the adults. We're also busy counting the babies to make sure one hasn't gone missing (in a heron's meal) but that can sometimes be a challenge. This year, one pair of geese have 22 goslings!

We'll make a few more attempts soon to get the other families, the geese were out in force this time...